What is this?

A multidimensional explorer of team data from the LEC.

The parallel coordinates displays game data of 10 teams in database across 22 dimensions, colored by team name.


Brush: Drag vertically along an axis.
Remove Brush: Tap the axis background.
Reorder Axes: Drag a label horizontally.
Invert Axis: Tap an axis label.
Remove Axis: Drag axis label to the left edge.

Team Name



AGT: Average game time/duration, in minutes.
BN: Baron control rate.
CKPM: Average combined kills per minute (team kills + opponent kills).
DRG: Dragon control rate: percent of all Dragons killed that were taken by the team.
EGR: Early-Game Rating.
F3T: First-to-three-towers rate (percentage of games in which team was the first to 3 tower kills.
FB: First Blood rate.
FBN: First Baron rate.
FD: First dragon rate.
FT: First tower rate.
GD15: Average gold difference at 15 minutes.
GPR: Gold percent rating (average amount of game’s total gold held, relative to 50%).
HLD: Rift Herald control rate.
KD: Kill-to-Death Ratio.
MLR: Mid/Late Rating.
WCPM: Average wards cleared per minute.
WPM: Average wards placed per minute.