Champion Position Ban Pick Rate Win Rate KDA Gold CSPM DPM
Aatrox Top 33.0% 83.0% 7 23.0% 8.1 500
Ahri Middle 3.0% 50.0% 4.5 26.0% 9.3 484
Akali Middle 8.0% 100.0% 3.3 17.0% 7 387
Alistar Support 67.0% 37.0% 2.2 8.0% 1 153
Aphelios ADC 17.0% 40.0% 3.5 28.0% 9.6 474
Ashe ADC 11.0% 67.0% 3.7 23.0% 8.7 492
Azir Middle 56.0% 56.0% 3.2 25.0% 9.3 488
Bard Support 1.0% 0.0% 1 8.0% 1.3 223
Blitzcrank Support 7.0% 100.0% 3 8.0% 0.9 103
Braum Support 8.0% 25.0% 3.3 9.0% 1.1 202
Caitlyn ADC 16.0% 20.0% 3.7 28.0% 9.5 561
Camille Top 48.0% 33.0% 1.7 23.0% 7.8 402
Cho'Gath Top 5.0% 100.0% 4 19.0% 6.9 363
Corki Middle 9.0% 25.0% 2.2 28.0% 9.7 608
Dr. Mundo Jungle 3.0% 0.0% 1.6 21.0% 6 302
Ekko Jungle 8.0% 0.0% 2.5 21.0% 6.6 248
Ekko Middle 8.0% 100.0% 5.9 21.0% 8.5 486
Evelynn Jungle 1.0% 0.0% 1.8 19.0% 5.5 442
Ezreal ADC 9.0% 33.0% 2.9 25.0% 8.9 626
Fiora Top 1.0% 100.0% 4 25.0% 8.3 513
Galio Middle 13.0% 0.0% 1.3 17.0% 6.6 489
Galio Support 13.0% 33.0% 2.2 9.0% 1.3 173
Gangplank Top 20.0% 75.0% 3.9 26.0% 8.9 628
Gnar Top 44.0% 33.0% 3 22.0% 8 469
Gragas Jungle 63.0% 0.0% 0.7 16.0% 5.7 253
Gragas Support 63.0% 25.0% 1.8 10.0% 2.2 231
Gragas Top 63.0% 48.0% 3.7 19.0% 6.9 381
Graves Jungle 44.0% 50.0% 3.9 23.0% 7.2 407
Hecarim Jungle 29.0% 44.0% 3.2 18.0% 5.7 256
Irelia Middle 4.0% 0.0% 2.2 24.0% 8 480
Irelia Top 4.0% 50.0% 3.4 22.0% 8.8 322
Ivern Jungle 4.0% 100.0% 9 15.0% 5.7 76
Ivern Top 4.0% 50.0% 3 18.0% 6.5 281
Jarvan IV Jungle 15.0% 57.0% 3.2 16.0% 4.9 189
Jarvan IV Support 15.0% 67.0% 2.2 10.0% 0.7 231
Jax Top 5.0% 0.0% 0.8 24.0% 7.8 404
Jayce Middle 16.0% 0.0% 3 24.0% 9.6 417
Jayce Top 16.0% 75.0% 7 24.0% 8.9 693
Jhin ADC 24.0% 67.0% 7.7 26.0% 9.5 501
Jinx ADC 1.0% 0.0% 3.5 32.0% 10.8 463
Kai'Sa ADC 87.0% 49.0% 4.1 27.0% 9.5 473
Kalista ADC 43.0% 50.0% 3 26.0% 8.9 342
Karma Support 3.0% 100.0% 10 11.0% 0.8 282
Karma Top 3.0% 100.0% 9 19.0% 7 643
Kayn Jungle 3.0% 100.0% 5.7 25.0% 7.6 561
Kennen Top 5.0% 67.0% 2.7 19.0% 7.4 345
Kindred Jungle 1.0% 0.0% 0.8 25.0% 6.3 324
Kled Top 1.0% 0.0% 3 19.0% 8.4 304
LeBlanc Middle 5.0% 0.0% 3.3 23.0% 7.8 550
Leona Support 35.0% 42.0% 2.2 9.0% 1.2 131
Lillia Jungle 71.0% 42.0% 3 19.0% 6.2 340
Lucian Middle 36.0% 58.0% 3.9 26.0% 9.7 497
Lulu Support 4.0% 0.0% 1.2 10.0% 0.7 244
Lulu Top 4.0% 100.0% 6 15.0% 5.4 266
Lux Support 4.0% 100.0% 2.8 9.0% 0.7 207
Malphite Top 7.0% 0.0% 6 23.0% 7.1 419
Miss Fortune ADC 12.0% 0.0% 2.8 26.0% 9.2 407
Morgana Support 5.0% 0.0% 1.7 9.0% 0.5 171
Nautilus Support 17.0% 50.0% 2 9.0% 1 156
Nidalee Jungle 24.0% 57.0% 4.1 19.0% 6.4 362
Olaf Jungle 65.0% 59.0% 3.7 19.0% 6 421
Orianna Middle 48.0% 50.0% 4.3 24.0% 9.1 481
Ornn Top 7.0% 60.0% 2.8 19.0% 7.3 317
Pantheon Jungle 47.0% 50.0% 3.7 19.0% 5.9 373
Pantheon Top 47.0% 50.0% 3.6 20.0% 7 554
Quinn Top 3.0% 100.0% 3.8 24.0% 9 772
Rakan Support 21.0% 56.0% 3.5 9.0% 1.2 149
Rell Support 73.0% 70.0% 3.1 9.0% 1.1 148
Renekton Top 79.0% 46.0% 2.7 22.0% 8.2 351
Riven Top 1.0% 100.0% 20 29.0% 9.1 680
Ryze Middle 21.0% 70.0% 3.1 26.0% 9.9 532
Samira ADC 23.0% 40.0% 3.4 26.0% 8.1 444
Senna ADC 44.0% 60.0% 6.3 20.0% 3.6 636
Seraphine ADC 36.0% 100.0% 10 18.0% 6.8 339
Seraphine Middle 36.0% 75.0% 11.8 19.0% 7 260
Seraphine Support 36.0% 50.0% 2.4 9.0% 0.7 169
Sett Support 11.0% 67.0% 1.2 8.0% 1.3 147
Sett Top 11.0% 50.0% 2 20.0% 7.5 451
Shen Top 8.0% 40.0% 6.4 20.0% 6.9 282
Sion Support 19.0% 100.0% 3.3 16.0% 6.1 285
Sion Top 19.0% 27.0% 2.3 19.0% 6.9 350
Sivir ADC 4.0% 100.0% 28 27.0% 10.5 593
Skarner Jungle 24.0% 50.0% 3.4 15.0% 4.7 122
Sylas Middle 7.0% 0.0% 1.8 25.0% 8.7 284
Syndra Middle 45.0% 22.0% 2 24.0% 8.5 474
Tahm Kench Support 11.0% 67.0% 3.6 15.0% 5.1 170
Taliyah Jungle 49.0% 88.0% 5.7 20.0% 7 446
Thresh Support 88.0% 50.0% 2.6 9.0% 1.1 96
Tristana ADC 20.0% 25.0% 2.3 25.0% 8.5 370
Tristana Middle 20.0% 0.0% 1.1 27.0% 8.5 446
Twisted Fate Middle 96.0% 82.0% 7.9 24.0% 8.2 473
Udyr Jungle 72.0% 46.0% 3.5 19.0% 6.1 184
Vayne ADC 11.0% 60.0% 4.5 26.0% 9 369
Viktor Middle 15.0% 33.0% 2.2 24.0% 9.1 589
Vladimir Top 1.0% 0.0% 0.3 19.0% 7.3 267
Volibear Top 11.0% 60.0% 2.6 21.0% 7.3 403
Wukong Top 4.0% 67.0% 2 22.0% 6.6 417
Xayah ADC 39.0% 61.0% 4 28.0% 9.6 537
Yone Middle 4.0% 50.0% 3.8 27.0% 9.3 296
Yone Top 4.0% 0.0% 0.5 23.0% 7.7 404
Zoe Middle 29.0% 50.0% 4 23.0% 8.1 510

What is this?

The graph here shows a overview the most strong and most popular champions on the Summoner's Rift. Specifically, we display three champions for each line with the highest win rate and three champions with the highest ban pick rate. Besides, we also show some game elements like the dragon with their influence on the win rate. To use this map, you can look through the map to find your interested champion, view certain information by hovering your mouse on the image. To get more detail about the champion, you need to search the champion name in the table search box. The table offers more detailed information about champions that has appeared in the map with sorting function on each column.
Notice: Currently, this graph can only act as an overview, namely, it is independent of the table. We are working hard to get the table and the map interactive. Since we use two libraries for them, we have to redesign the table and it takes more time than our expectation. It will be coming soon ......


Ban Pick Rate: Percentage of games in which the champion was either banned or picked in any role, which can represent the popularity of one champion.
KDA: Total Kill/Death/Assist ratio, which can represent the overall strength of a champion.
Gold: Gold Share: average share of team’s total gold earned (excludes starting gold and inherent gold generation), which can represent the champion's dependency of economy.
CSPM: Average monsters and minions killed per minute, which represents the champion's ability to farm.
DPM: Average damage to champions per minute, which can represent the champion's ability to cause damage.