Player Team Position
GPGames played
W%Win rate
CTR%Counter-pick rate
KTotal kills
DTotal deats
ATotal assists
KDATotal Kill/Death/Assist ratio
KP%Kill participation (%)
KS%Kill share (%)
DTH%Avg share of team deaths (%)
FB%First blood rate (%)
GD10Avg gold difference at 10 min
XPD10Avg xp difference at 10 min
CSD10Avg creep score difference at 10 min
CSPMAvg monsters + minions killed per min
CS%P15Avg share of team's total creep score after 15 min
DPMAvg damage to champions per min (%)
DMG%Damage share
EGPMAvg earned gold per min
GOLD%Gold share (%)
WPMAvg wards placed per min
WCPMAvg wards cleared per min